Remaja tinggalkan rumah selepas ditegur pakai jean
KUANTAN 3 Julai – Hanya kerana dimarahi bapanya disebabkan memakai seluar jean ke sekolah, seorang remaja perempuan berusia 15 tahun sanggup melarikan diri dari rumah.
Che Nanorgiha Che Naza (gambar), pelajar tahun tiga dari Sekolah Menengah Bukit Rangin dekat sini, berbuat demikian sejak lebih seminggu lalu.
Menurut bapanya, Che Naza Che Mud, 51, kejadian bermula apabila anaknya itu dilihat oleh ibunya tidak memakai pakaian seragam ke sekolah, pada hari kejadian.
Katanya, Nanorguha sebaliknya hanya memakai baju kokurikulum berwarna hitam.
“Selang beberapa jam, Nanorguha yang lebih mesra dipanggil ‘kakak’ menghubungi isteri saya dan meminta agar ibunya itu menghantarnya seluar… Ia kerana pihak sekolah menahannya kerana memakai seluar jean.
“saya lalu menghantar seluar seperti diminta Nanorgiha ke sekolah dan kemudian telah menegurnya . Secara tidak sengaja saya telah bertindak kasar ke atasya.
“Sebaik sahaja tamat sesi persekolahan, dia pulang ke rumah tetapi terus keluar semula dengan beg pakaiannya,” katanya ketika datang ke pejabat Utusan Malaysia di sini semalam.
Tambahnya, dia dan isterinya sering menegur Nanorgiha kerana jarang membantu ibunya membuat kerja rumah selain malas mengulang kaji pelajaran.
Katanya, anaknya itu juga sering bercakap dan berbalas mesej menerusi khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) dengan seseorang di telefon bimbitnya.
Beliau berkata, dia dan isteri membuat laporan mengenai kehilangan Nanorgiha di Ibu Pejabat Polis (IPD) Daerah Kuantan di sini, sehari selepas kejadian.
“Saya merayu kepada Nanorgiha supaya pulang ke pangkuan keluarga. Saya minta maaf jika telah berkasar dengannya dan segala kesalahannya kami ampunkan,” jelasnya.
Lebih menyedihkan tambahnya, isterinyak kini sedang terlantar sakit di rumah dan hilang selera makan kerana terlalu memikirkan keselamatan anaknya itu.
Utusan Malaysia - July 3rd, 2010 (Nurul Emillia)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted by Misozi at 3:40 AM
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The question is, 'What contributes to these problems among teenagers??'
From these article in particular, it seems that there are several hidden things that are purposely left un-utterd. For example, the father mentioned that he had scolded his daughter and it is said that he had accidently be harsh on her. Now, how 'harsh' actually did he mean? It is not that we are being unfair on which side to choose, who is right, or wrong, but in order to go deeper into the problem, we need to understand the full story, not only from the parents' point of view, but also from the children's,or in this context, the teenagers' point of view.
Being a teenagers myself, and also everyone who had experienced being a teenager themselves, do we really go to such extreme measure like in this case, running away from home, when ever we feel upset over a small problem? I think not. how naughty and misbehaved we are, i strongly suggest that we still love our parents, don't we? if not, conscience would have told us the difference between the do's and don't in our lives. Therefore, the root and reason to this have to be examine attentively. the factors that pushes teens to the limit had to be delve deeply. Perhaps the nagging and scolding have take root for too long, over a small imperfections, or over things that teens always do that seems natural to them, but not to the parents. We have to agree, parents and childrens do not think alike. So, we do we go from here? From where do we need to search? I suggest we search from the flaws in family institutions, because it is to me, the guideline that childrens followed, and the mold that shaped them from the most beginning. The first 'education centre' and learning they had, had started in the embraces of their parents in the comfortable zone called 'home'.
i agree with you mia.we can't choose any side. not all teenagers are the same.some can take it and deal with it. some have a raging heart and they cannot accept such situation. it is not wrong to scold your children,but after that, parents must know what further action they should take. they should go and talk with their kids in a more loving way after they surprises their kids with all those yelling and screaming. but i don't think it will happen. some parents they are just too ego to apologize for their overdoing act. this is when their kids go to someone who can console them. that is their partner.
I partially agree with that statement because sometime when the parents do not scold their children,the children might think that their parents not really care about what they doing. In this situation,the children especially the teenager will think that what they doing are right.
-nor raziebah bt bakri A133037 -
she's young and she is just 15. there are six phases in teenagers according to Ken and Elizabeth Mellor,Teen Stages,(Finch Publishing,2004). at the age of 15 years old that is the mid phases, teenagers are calmer and less hostile at this age. there might be a temper, but they become more calm,open, and cooperative. their 'social activities' often develop at this time and it is important to tell them to say no and what to do when the situation is turning bad. In this case,she's wearing jeans to school,it's not like she's skipping school or something. i believe the father shouldn't act that way that make her child run away from home. i believe a softer approach should be used not a hard one. and the father use the harder way which i totally disagree. Because this is the page they can't accept advices,based on what ken and Elizabeth said,they are much calmer at this age,so a good talk will work on her.Look at what the father do,he told the newspaper her daughter life at home, which could embarrassed her daughter,how do u expect the kids to come home by telling the whole world how she is at home???
Dear solehah, i agree with your points that a softer approach should be used not a hard one . But then again we can still see the problem when the girl in this situation are always make problem with her parents at home although her parents has advice her. In this situation,its clearly shows that the problem comes with the teenagers itself and not the way how parents scold them when they do something that is wrong.
If the teenagers are instilled with open mind,good values, good religious study, i think these kind of thing won't probably happen.They should be exposed to outside world as well so they will not be having a 'culture' shock or something.
They problem is,the way they were raised gives a lot of impacts on what they would be when they grow up.
I don't agree with parents who sometimes being too strict to their child and not having a good communication with anyone in the house. This somehow will give pressure to the child and eventually they can become rebellious.
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